Advertising to your target market is crucial. This is why we offer you value for money advertising here on Craftori. With a Google Page Rank of 4 and over 12500 active users, Craftori is a great place to get noticed.
There are 2 ways you can advertise on the site:
1. Banner ad:
This will appear right at the top of every single page of the site. This means over 10000 author pages, front page, gift guide pages and all category pages (over 200). This ad would appear to the right of the Craftori logo. The cost for this ad is $300 per month. This type of ad is limited to just 1 per month so there will be no other competition in this position during your ad campaign.
2. Static ad:
This will appear on every single page of the site in amongst the other posts. This means on over 10000 author pages, gift guide pages, 200+ category pages and also the front page. The ad will be static within a randomized page, ie the ad would always appear in the same position and not randomize like the other items around it. We only run monthly campaigns for this type of ad and positions are limited to only 3 per month. The cost for this ad is $200 per month.
Our statistics:
Our average unique visitors, based on the last 6 months are on average about 60000, per month. We have 17000+ members on the Craftori site, and our membership is growing every day.
The process:
For the Banner ad, we will need a banner from you measuring 730×90 pixels and the link you wish people to be referred to. For the Static ad, we will need an ad measuring 300×240 pixels or 300×300 pixels. We will also need your Paypal email address so that you can be sent an invoice. As soon as we have the ad and payment, we can start your campaign.
© 2025 Craftori- Art, Crafts and Vintage