Wedding bouquet

This glamorous bridal bouquet is made from beautiful white freesia and peach peony flowers. Stems wrapped in ivory satin (....more)

Bridal Bouquet

This passionate bridal bouquet is made from beautiful 6 red roses, berries and other flowers. Stems wrapped in burlap and (....more)

Bridal Hair Tiara

This bridal crown is made from white hair bow and decorates with 6 white felt flowers, beads, tulle. Internal hair crown side is decorates with lace.

Tags:- #weddinghairaccessories #bridalhair #bridaljewejry #bridalhairaccessories #bridalheadband #bridalhairaccessories

Bridal Hair Tiara

This bridal crown is made from white hair bow and decorates with 6 white felt flowers, beads, tulle. Internal hair crown (....more)

Wedding bouquet

This bridal bouquet is made from beautiful artificial anemonies, pink roses, fern leaf and small blue flowers. Stems (....more)

Bridal Headband

A beautiful and romantic style headband. This would make a stunning bridal or bridesmaid hair piece, perfect for a rustic wedding.

Tags:- #weddinghairaccessories #bridalhair #bridaljewejry #bridalhairaccessories #bridalheadband #bridalhairaccessories

Bridal Headband

A beautiful and romantic style headband. This would make a stunning bridal or bridesmaid hair piece, perfect for a rustic (....more)

Wedding bouquet

This romantic bridal bouquet is made from beautiful 3 white eustoma, hydrangea and 6 pink roses flowers. Stems wrapped in (....more)

Wedding Garland

Made from pine branch, which are glued with natural moss. Wood hearts are hande painted with white colour and glittered. (....more)

Table bouquet

If you are looking for something special and handmade, you will love this beautiful table decoration.

Tags:- #weddingtable #weddingtablebouquets #weddingtablecenterpiece #tablecenterpiece #tabledecor

Table bouquet

If you are looking for something special and handmade, you will love this beautiful table decoration. Tags:- (....more)

Wedding bouquet

Elegant white calla lily and roses bridal bouquet. Stem wrapped with ivory satin ribbon and white lace, decorates with Czech glass beads.

Tags:- #weddingbouquets #bridalbouquets #flowerbouquets #artificialflowerbouquets #bridesbouquets

Wedding bouquet

Elegant white calla lily and roses bridal bouquet. Stem wrapped with ivory satin ribbon and white lace, decorates with (....more)

Wedding bouquet

This beautiful bridal bouquet is made from beautiful 5 magnolias, lavender, one eustoma and small flowers.

Tags:- #weddingbouquets #bridalbouquets #flowerbouquets #artificialflowerbouquets #bridesbouquets

Wedding bouquet

This beautiful bridal bouquet is made from beautiful 5 magnolias, lavender, one eustoma and small flowers. Tags:- (....more)

Table Flowers

This bouquet will be a perfect for your rustic wedding table.

Tags:- #weddingtable #weddingtablebouquets #weddingtablecenterpiece #tablecenterpiece #tabledecor

Table Flowers

This bouquet will be a perfect for your rustic wedding table. Tags:- #weddingtable #weddingtablebouquets (....more)