Theatrical Dramatic Excessive Gemstone & Feather Haute Couture Statement Necklace Over The Top


Totally excessive. A dramatic special occasion piece for FEMME FATALE’S who demand attention. Marra mamba slab stone hosts an agate cabochon & is embellished w/rhinestones. Feathers are golden tipped pheasant, black maribou & lady emherst peacock. Citrine Crystal gemstones are the necklace.

Tags:- Dramatic Necklace, Theatrical Necklace, Excessive Necklace, Jawdrop Necklace, Feather Necklace, Marra Mamba, Haute Couture, VRBA-like, MOANS-like, Oversized Necklace, Wow Necklace, Outrageous Necklace

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